What I Do
If you or your team is looking for a multi-talented and multi-lingual leader who is adept at working on a global-scale project, I highly recommend Ali Khalil for your team. The commendations that describe Ali are enthusiastic, passionate, innovative and dedicated. I deeply appreciated working with Ali, confident that he could tackle any issues head-on and manage everything in his area of responsibility. He's a natural project-manager and fantastic addition to any team!

I never understood or appreciated 'motivational' speaker or leader, until I saw Ali in action. Managing training projects in Beirut that involved dozens of people from across the Arab world. Ali's combination of character (emotional intelligence), relational skills (working with people) and managerial skills (handling tasks) are important for projects to succeed, and for goals to be achieved.

Ali is uniquely gifted in leadership in that he manages to be both visionary in his thinking but also is able to think through—and be creative about—the steps to reach the vision. Further, he exemplifies leadership that puts equal weight on leading well and developing others on his team to lead well. Most leaders I know can do one or the other well, but Ali is remarkable in excelling at both. I would echo others in describing Ali as enthusiastic, innovative and hard-working. I would add that he is patient, thorough and completely trustworthy. This combination of gifting and character makes him able to take on any leadership-oriented role with excellence.

I worked closely with Ali on a few projects and was impressed by his excellent performance. He's trustworthy, reliable, self-motivated, innovative, and delivers on time. His work is at the perfection level and he's a good team member/leader. I learned a lot from him, he has the right attitude and he's always eager to learn and progress.